
Monday, September 26, 2011

Well that was fun.

I had a lot of fun participating in the blog hop created by Tristi Pinkston. Check out the link on the side if you want to know more about it.

I also really enjoyed checking out other people's blogs and seeing what others are doing. So many fun things going on.

It got me thinking. I want to do more than just post my random thoughts or even more than just telling you about how things are going with my writing.
I'm going to try some different things to see what works for me and what will stick.
One thing I'm going to do is give book reviews. I've done one or two, but I liked reading other's reviews on their blogs because it gives me a good idea on what would be a good book to read, or what to pass on. So that will be coming.

On a side note, I still want to tell you about how my writing is coming along. I finished my second full manuscript in July just before my baby was born. I've got about 7 friends reading it to give me their feedback on it so I'll know what kinds of things I need to fix before getting it ready to query agents about. In the meantime, I've been doing some prework on a new idea for a new story I have. I must admit it's been a little difficult to let go of the persona of the main character in my just finished work and really get into the mindset of this new character. I think I'm almost there, but it is taking a bit of concentration.

I'll get there eventually. Can't wait to share my characters with you.

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