
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1/2 way through the big edit.

I'm more than half way through the thorough edit of my manuscript. Have been really enjoying it and making some minor, and some major changes.
However, I'm fighting the urge to go write something else. Work on another project that I started a few months ago and then put away because I was in the mood to work on this one. I've told myself once I make all the corrections I need to on my first project, I'll do another round of sending it out and work on my next idea while I wait to hear back. I'm still hearing back from agents that I queried back in mid January.
Feeling like it's mostly positive.
So enough rambling. Back to work I go.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I've been at it for a year now.

I've been getting some great feedback from my critique group. It has been unbelievably helpful to get insights from other writers. LOVE IT!
I have been spending a lot of my time reading other people's work, and seeing how they do it. Getting to work on mine and improving as I go. I am 1/3 of the way through a more in depth revision and edit. I know it is helping it to be a much better book.
I have now been working on being a writer for a full year now. It has been a wonderful learning experience, and I can't wait to see what this next year brings.

Lots of fun stuff out there, I'm sure.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A bump in the road.

I've hit a snag. I was going so great. Got 3 chapters done with no problem, the fourth was a little harder, and now I'm stuck. Don't know if that means I've gone the wrong way and need to do a detour or what. I know where I want to be at the end of the road, the journey is what is hard. Gotta make it entertaining and exciting stops along the way before we reach the end, but it's beginning to get boring.
Maybe I should take a break and work on my other one.