
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

One Hundred Word Wednesday!

It's been a really long time since I've done a 100 word Wednesday prompt. I've missed them.  We moved in December, and it took me a while to adjust to all that goes into a new home and missing my old home and neighborhood.

So, I've given myself permission to skip the ones I missed, not worry about filling in the missing weeks unless I feel like it, and just starting from today.

I think having a writing prompt will be a helpful way to keep me in the writing mood when most of my days lately have been wrapped up in edits.

So here is this weeks prompt:  February 11, 2015: Under normal circumstances he would speak his mind, but, with a gun against his head

Under normal circumstances he would speak his mind, but, with a gun against his head, he thought maybe he shouldn’t tell the woman she was nuts. He didn’t know how things had gone this wrong. One moment he was contemplating proposing, the next minute she had grabbed him around the neck and shoved a cold barrel against his temple.

She whispered in his ear. “Don’t say a word if you want to get out of here alive.”

His eyes scanned the crowded restaurant and settled on the approaching law enforcement officer. 

He didn’t look like he cared if John survived. 

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